カリフォルニア州のロサンゼルスで毎週水曜日に開催されていたパーティー<Low End Theory(ロー・エンド・セオリー)>が今年8月8日で終了することが、公式SNSアカウントより伝えられた。

Low End Theory

2006年に〈Alpha Pup Records〉の創立者ダディ・ケヴ(Daddy Kev)がD-スタイルズ(D-Styles)、DJ ノーバディ(DJ Nobody)と共に始めた<Low End Theory>。



Daddy Kev Boiler Room Los Angeles x Low End Theory DJ Set


本場の<Low End Theory>にはSeihoやSTUTS、食品まつりら日本人アーティストも出演した。


What a long strange trip it's been. First and foremost, the residents of Low End Theory would like to offer our sincerest gratitude for the nearly 12 years of support. It has been an honor and privilege to serve in the capacity we have, rocking over 600 Wednesdays at the Airliner in Lincoln Heights, as well as various tours and spot dates across the US, Asia, Europe and Africa. To every artist who has blessed our stage, we are grateful. To every person who has joined us on the dancefloor, you are the primary source of inspiration for making Low End Theory happen every Wednesday since October 2006. The journey has not been without its challenges. It is therefore with a sense of sadness that we are announcing our last ten shows, starting tonight at the Airliner in Lincoln Heights, with the final Low End Theory planned for August 8. There are several factors affecting this decision. Family obligations. Work demands. Life. The general consensus amongst the residents is that we have overstayed our welcome, and our greatest hope now is that the final ten weeks of Low End Theory can serve as a time for the beat community to set aside our differences, come together, and hopefully remember what made Low End Theory a special place to begin with: the music. Very truly yours, @daddykev @nobodybeats @djdstyles #lowendtheory

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